Virtual Seminar on the Crisis in Belarus
Virtual Seminar on the Crisis in Belarus
The outreach program at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies hosted a “Crisis in Belarus” Virtual Outreach Seminar with twelve alumni and other experts on September 22, 2020.
The seminar featured opening remarks from Prof. Andrew Wilson of University College London as well as Marshall Center faculty Dr. Graeme Herd and Dr. Pal Dunay. It continued with interactive comments and discussion with senior alumni from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine as well as other experts.
“The purpose of this event was to deepen understanding of the dynamics surrounding Belarus since the country’s disputed presidential election August 9. It facilitated an informed exchange of perspectives regarding potential further developments and policy responses,” said Dr. Matthew Rhodes, Marshall Center area studies chair, who moderated the event.
The findings of this event formed the basis for an article in our Perspectives series by Pál Dunay and Graeme Herd, “Compounded Crisis in Belarus: Drivers, Dynamics, and Possible Outcomes?” Marshall Center Perspectives, no. 16 (October 2020).