George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
Mailing Address
Military Postal Service (MPS)
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
Attn: (Office symbol)
Unit 24502
APO, AE 09053-4502
Office of Strategic Communications
gcmcstratcom [at], gcmcpublicaffairs [at], or info [at]
During business hours, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CET, +49 (0)8821-750-2469 or +49 (0)8821-750-2795
DSN 314-440-2469 or 314-440-2795.
After business hours or weekends, +49 (0)172-280-6594.
Admissions / Registrar Office
Contact the Registrar's Office if you are interested in attending a Marshall Center resident program.
Civilian: +49 (0)8821-750-2656 (or 2327)
DSN: 314-440-2656 (or 2327)
Email: registrar [at] (subject: Admission) (registrar[at]marshallcenter[dot]org)
Alumni / Graduate Support Office
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
ATTN: Graduate Support
Gernackerstrasse 2
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Civilian: +49 (0)8821-750-2112
DSN: 314-440-2112
Email: mcalumni [at] (subject: Graduate%20Support) (mcalumni[at]marshallcenter[dot]org)
German Element
Civilian: +49 (0) 8821 750-2770
DSN: 314-440-2770
FAX: +49 (0) 8821 750-2884
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
ATTN: German Element
Gernackerstrasse 2
Bldg. 102, Room 225
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Technical Problems?
Please report technical problems to: webmaster [at] (subject: Technical%20Problem) (webmaster[at]marshallcenter[dot]org)
Partner Language Training Center Europe
Contact PLTCE for additional information on programs and course schedules.
Civilian: +49-8821-750-3641
DSN: 314 440-3641
Civilian FAX: +49 (0)8821-750-3671
DSN FAX: 440-3671
U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria - Garmisch Community
Civilian: +49 (0)8821-750- 3825
DSN: 314-440-3825
Civilian FAX: +49 (0)8821-750-2809
Passport Office: 08821 750-4403345
Postal Services: 08821 750-3745
Emergency Numbers:
Garmisch Military Police Desk: 08821 750-3801
German Police: Civ 110
Garmisch Winter Road Conditions: 08821 750-3300