Welcome Reception for First Fellow of the German Fellowship Program
By Frank Mouritz
Deputy Director, MISS Program
GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (Feb. 8, 2017) – Marshall Center started a new German Fellowship Program for Participation in the Master of Arts Program in International Security Studies.
Last week, George C. Marshall Center Director Keith Dayton and German Deputy Director Johann Berger held a welcome reception for Tunisian Army Maj. Sadok Dhaoui, who has been selected as the first fellow of the newly introduced German Fellowship Program. He will join the Master of Arts Program in International Security Studies (MISS) and attend several courses at the Marshall Center over the next couple of months.
Dhaoui has been selected because of his expertise in counterterrorism operations, and the importance of his home country for the security architecture in the Maghreb and North Africa. He has attended the Program on Applied Security Studies (PASS) and the Program on Terrorism and Security Studies (PTSS). He came back to the Marshall Center on several occasions as a speaker in PTSS. He is now given the opportunity to spend some more time at the Marshall Center to obtain a master’s degree in International Security Studies.
MISS is a one-year program offered by the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in cooperation with the Bundeswehr University Munich. It prepares international military and civilian students with some years of professional experience for executive positions in the security sector. The program combines university modules taught by the professors of the Bundeswehr University with the policy-oriented resident programs of the GCMC.
The objective of the German Fellowship Program at the GCMC is to strengthen security cooperation and to support those partner countries, which are of extraordinarily interest for German and U.S. foreign and security policy. Through this high-value professional development program for members of partner nation’s armed forces or other security institutions, the GCMC contributes to the stability and efficiency of security agencies in the European neighborhood. Providing education and special training to the next generation of senior government officials gives Germany and the U.S. an unique opportunity to strengthen intense security cooperation from bottom up and to raise understanding for the German and U.S. perspectives on regional and functional security challenges.