Marshall Center Hosts Moldova Senior Leadership Seminar
By Christine June
Public Affairs Office
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (May 12, 2015) – George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies hosted 13 ministers and parliamentarians from the Republic of Moldova for the “Senior Leadership Seminar for Representatives of the Government of Moldova” May 5 and 6 at the Marshall Center here.
“These events are part of our non-resident programs of the Marshall Center. We designed this tailored seminar in an effort by the Marshall Center, and the German and U.S. governments to assist the Republic of Moldova’s leaders and security sector institutions in building capacities in their reform efforts,” said Dr. Valbona Zeneli, professor of National Security Studies and director of the Black Sea Eurasia program at the Marshall Center’s College of International and Security Studies. “This seminar also highlighted the importance of a whole-of-government approach to drafting and implementing a national security strategy.”
This was the second in a series of seminars held for Moldova’s senior leaders to address Moldova’s security sector and defense reform, and its role in European integration aspirations and goals. Last year’s seminar was held in March. How many and when the next seminar will be held is still in the planning stages, said German Heer (Army) Lt. Col. Arne Lossmann, program manager of the Black Sea Eurasia Program at the Marshall Center.
“We want to make sure that the work on the national security strategy starts as a whole of government approach in a practical and efficient way, and we want to accompany and support them during this process to make sure that it is workable for them and can be implemented,” Lossmann said.
The Marshall Center hosted 13 representatives from Moldova. Representatives included: Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy; Minister of Finance; Minister of Defense; Presidential Advisor and Secretary of Supreme Security Council; Member of Parliament, Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities; Member of Parliament, Committee on National Security, Defense and Public Order; Deputy Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs; Deputy Minister, Ministry of Information, Technology and Communication; Deputy Head of General Department, Intelligence and Security Service; and, Deputy Director General, General Directorate for Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
“(These seminars) are very timely because we in Moldova have decided to collaborate and implement a new national security strategy, and the people who have come here are exactly the people who will be active in this process,” said Dr. Viorel Cibotaru, minister of defense for the Republic of Moldova.
The two-day seminar was divided into six sessions. Titles were: “Regional Security Environment;” “National Security Strategy Development;” “Security Sector Reform – The Croatian Perspective;” “The Impact of Corruption on Security and Development;” “Strategic Leadership and Communications;” and, “European Union Integration Process – Challenges to Fulfill the Criteria.”
“Taking into consideration Moldova’s geographical position, regional security is a very important factor for the Republic of Moldova,” said Michaela Spataru, Member of Parliament’s Committee on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations. “(This seminar) is one of the few events happening in the year that brings together people from the parliament and government to discuss security reform.”
Beside the session topics, there were also be presentations on “The Developments in Ukraine,” “Civil-Military Relations” and “Road Map on Bilateral Military Cooperation,” as well as the Marshall Center command brief.
“The Marshall Center means expertise,” Spataru said. “It means good people and the right people at the right place in order to offer the necessary information, especially for the transitioning countries.”
The mission of the Marshall Center, as a vital instrument of German-American cooperation, is to create a more stable security environment by advancing democratic institutions and relationships; promoting active, peaceful, whole-of-government approaches to address transnational and regional security challenges; and creating and enhancing enduring partnerships worldwide.
The Marshall Center offers eight resident programs that examine complex transnational, regional and international security issues: Program on Terrorism and Security Studies; Program on Applied Security Studies; Program on Security Sector Capacity Building; Seminar on Regional Security; Seminar on Transnational Civil Security; Countering Narcotics and Illicit Trafficking; Program on Cyber Security Studies; and, Senior Executive Seminar.
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