Marshall Center, DKI APCSS Mongolian Alumni Event Strengthens Security Network
By Nadonya Janca
Alumni Programs
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia (Jan. 30, 2019) The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies’ Alumni Programs hosted an outreach networking event on “Operationalizing Influence in Regional and International Organizations” Jan. 16 at the German Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
More than 80 alumni attend the event, which was in cooperation with its sister U.S. Department of Defense Regional Center, Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, and the German and U.S. embassies in Mongolia.
The German Ambassador Stefan Duppel and the American Ambassador Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Manuel P. Micaller gave opening remarks at the event.
Advancing Security Cooperation
“The joint Mongolian Alumni event between us and the Marshall Center was met with enthusiasm and was advantageous for both centers by advancing security cooperation through increasing the alumni networks,” said U.S. Army Maj. John R. Carver, deputy chief of the alumni branch at DKI ACPSS. “Building relationships of trust between alumni, provides an avenue to work together on security issues and contributes to increased stability toward a stronger and more independent Mongolia.”
He added that this event was held to encourage alumni from the Marshall Center and DKI ACPSS to discuss important security issues and to inspire the security community network to grow and flourish, while providing continuing education. By combining the two centers’ alumni, the event gave everyone an opportunity to reconnect and establish important connections in the security field.
Encouraging Open Dialogue
“Alumni from the Marshall Center and DKI ACPSS saw great importance in joining the networks from both regional centers,” said Bolormaa Mashlai, chairperson of the Women Leader Foundation and Marshall Center Alumni Association president in Mongolia. “This event encouraged open dialogue between the two associations and ultimately, will create the establishment of one large association.
“We will move forward by selecting board members and combining resources in order to better target security challenges faced by Mongolia,” she added.
Marshall Center’s professor, Dr. Sebastian von Münchow, talked about dilemmas of contemporary peacekeeping operations. His presentation was followed by discussion, which offered dialogue to find solutions to these problems.
“I was amazed by the Mongolian efforts to become more engaged in peace operations,” von Münchow said. “For years, Mongolian Armed Forces have stood side-by-side with German contingents in Afghanistan. Mongolia also strengthens its role in the frame of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and has started to send police staff for peacekeeping missions.
Mongolia’s Participation in International Organizations
“The Marshall Center remains devoted to share its insights on peace operations with Mongolian authorities and is looking forward to continuing its cooperation with Ulaanbaatar,” he added.
Marshall Center and DKI APCSS Alumna Luguusharav Byambakhand, section chief of North American and European Studies at the Mongolia Institute for Strategic Studies, offered insights on Mongolia’s participation in international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The Marshall Center regularly organizes events such as this one in order to keep its alumni network up-to-date on the work of the Marshall Center and to bring together national alumni communities.