English Teaching Faculty Development Workshop (FDW) 25-03

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English Teaching Faculty Development Workshop (FDW) 25-03

English Teaching Faculty Development Workshop (FDW)

The FDW is a NATO approved course which develops subject matter experts to address the following NATO training requirements:

  • Ensure language training programs are aligned to NATO standards
  • Evaluate language program outcomes IAW STANAG 6001
  • Advise PTECs and COEs on language-related issues upon request
  • Advise on solutions for language shortfalls
  • Use NATO-specific language during NATO operations
  • Prepare written documents IAW NATO conventions

The FDW is listed in e-Prime under ACT.659

The FDW is listed in ETOC under ETE-LA-35455 (https://e-itep.act.nato.int/Guest/ETOCindex.aspx)

Course Description

The English Teaching Faculty Development Workshop is a collaboration between the three language PTECs in Bulgaria, Germany, and Slovenia and is hosted by each once a year. It is a highly interactive workshop that presents current language teaching methodologies, providing strategies and methods for effective language instruction for speaking and writing in a military context. The workshop activities include lectures, plenary discussions, hands-on practice in selecting, designing and conducting appropriate activities for developing speaking and writing skills.


The aim of the English Language Faculty Development Workshop is to familiarize experienced English teachers with current language teaching methodologies and practices. It does so by focusing on NATO and military contexts to improve linguistic interoperability in the Alliance and with its partners. The Workshop provides guidelines for aligning speaking and writing language instruction to the NATO standards and enables teachers to apply salient methods in order to achieve effective language acquisition.

Training Strategy

Facilitator-led plenary sessions and small group work. Videotaped micro-teaching with self- and peer-critiqued feedback sessions. Reflective journaling and other daily homework assignments.

Final Learning Outcomes

Participants will demonstrate greater competence and confidence in teaching speaking and writing to military students by applying communicative teaching methods in practical learning activities that are aligned by STANAG 6001.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • apply the principles of communicative language teaching by selecting, designing and teaching appropriate activities for developing speaking and writing skills
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the STANAG 6001 descriptors for speaking and writing by selecting, designing and teaching appropriate activities for speaking and writing level 1,2,3
  • apply the principles of reflective teaching during daily journal entries and reflection sessions on personal performance, progress and challenges
  • apply appropriate methods in providing feedback to students on their speaking and writing performance
  • demonstrate the ability to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in own and peers' performance in micro-teaching activities

Duration: 8 days


Military or civilian English language teachers with at least two years of experience teaching military students. SLP2/2/2/2 or higher

Email: BILC [at] marshallcenter.org (BILC[at]marshallcenter[dot]org)


Details der Veranstaltung

September 16, 2025 - September 25, 2025
• School for Foreign Languages at the Military Schools Centre, Poljce, Slovenia
• Foreign Language Department at the National Military University, Shumen, Bulgaria
• Partner Language Training Center Europe at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
How to Register

Invitations are issued to national BILC Points of Contact 12 weeks before the start of each course. Applications from qualified candidates are due no later than six weeks before the course starts; actual deadlines are stated in each invitation. Partner nations using e-Prime or with SHAPE Partnership funded seats must still apply in accordance with invitation instructions and within the prescribed time frame.

Event Language