Security in the 21st Century: Dr. Daniel Hamilton, Professor at Johns Hopkins University
Security in the 21st Century: Dr. Daniel Hamilton, Professor at Johns Hopkins University
The aim of the Marshall Center’s Security in the 21st Century video podcast is to engage in conversations with professionals from different sectors of society such as government, academia, international organizations and the private sector to achieve an integrated approach to security. (DOD video by U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Mikki L. Sprenkle)
Dr. Daniel Hamilton is a Professor at Johns Hopkins University and former Director of the Global Europe Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Past positions include Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor and Founding Director of the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations; Richard von Weizsäcker Professor at Johns Hopkins SAIS, fellow of the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin, senior diplomatic fellow in the German Foreign Office, executive director, American Consortium on European Union Studies, US deputy assistant secretary of State for European Affairs, US special coordinator for Southeast European stabilization and associate director of the Policy Planning Staff for two secretaries of State, senior associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and deputy director of the Aspen Institute Berlin; consultant to Microsoft, RAND, National Geographic Society, Business Roundtable and Transatlantic Business Dialogue.
Dr. Hamilton is a member and former chair of the selection committee for the Robert Bosch Foundation fellows program bringing young American professionals to Germany. He has been a member of the academic and advisory boards for a variety of US and European foundations, research institutes and business associations. He testifies regularly before the US Congress and European parliaments, and is a regular commentator for US and international media.
Dr. Hamilton has also taught graduate courses in US foreign policy and US-European relations at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, the University of Innsbruck and the Free University of Berlin.
He has been presented with Germany’s Cross of the Federal Order of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz); France’s Knighthood of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques; and Sweden’s Knighthood of the Royal Order of the Polar Star. He holds the State Department’s Superior Honor Award.
This interview reflects the views of the contributors and are not necessarily the official policy of the U.S. Department of Defense or its components, United States, Germany, or any other governments.
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