Language For Diplomacy (LD) 20-01

Garmisch Mountians with German and American Flag

Language For Diplomacy (LD) 20-01

PLTCE’s Language for Diplomacy is designed for Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) officials with an advanced level of proficiency in English. The central aim of the course is to polish participants’ English language skills to an executive level, with a view toward preparing them to interact in English in professional settings with both confidence and accuracy.

Details der Veranstaltung

März 05, 2020 - März 26, 2020
Partner Language Training Center Europe
Artillery Kaserne
Breitenauer Strasse 16
Gebaude 253
Garmisch-Partenkirchen 82467, Germany
How to Register

Diplomats from four nations are currently invited through a closed invitation process to take part in PLTCE’s Language for Diplomacy Course.


For further information about this course, please contact PLTCE.Programs [at]

Event Language
Nomination/Registration Due Date