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The Clock Tower Security Series

The Clock Tower Security Series provides short summaries of Seminar Series hosted by the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. These summaries capture key analytical points from the events and serve as a useful tool for policy makers, practitioners, and academics.

Security Insights

The Marshall Centers Security Insights  are short articles that identify, explain, and put into context significant current defense and security issues. The series is aimed at the needs of political decision makers and others who are looking for concise summaries and analyses of current security topics. Marshall Center Security Insights  are generally authored by Marshall Center faculty and staff.


Book Projects document the analytical results of Marshall Center collaborative research studies. These multinational, interdisciplinary research studies bring together distinguished scholars and experts from partner countries to explore and document common military and security issues from the perspectives of their own states and to draw lessons learned from comparative analysis of these studies.

Marshall Center Papers

The Marshall Center’s original monograph series, the Marshall Center Papers are focused on key security, defense, and politico-military issues confronting a quickly-changing Europe and Eurasia.