First Snowfall Alpspitze and Waxenstein Sept 2024


The Clock Tower Series

The Clock Tower Series is a compendium of short summaries of seminars, conferences, workshops, and similar events hosted throughout the year by the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. The Clock Tower Series, reflecting the ever-present iconic clock tower on the Marshall Center campus, captures timely, overarching analytical outcomes from these regular events and serves as a useful tool for policymakers, practitioners, and academics.

Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs provide in-depth analyses and policy recommendations of certain seminars, conferences, workshops, and similar events hosted throughout the year by the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. Policy Briefs consider the geostrategic international security dilemmas that are the focus of a particular Marshall Center engagement, framed against the backdrop of recent developments, and then provide in-depth recommendations promulgated by the international experts in attendance. Policy Briefs  furnish key, contemporary insights related to NATO, the EU, Europe, and beyond for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the field of international security.

The Current

The Current, authored by Marshall Center faculty and staff, provides insightful, brief explorations of various national and international security topics. Like the ever-present current that carries the Loisach River from the Alps to the Isar, The Current features reliable research and insights that frame and give meaning to contemporary events and challenges facing our world today. 

Strategic Insights

Strategic Insights, authored by faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, identify, contextualize, analyze, and provide policy recommendations related to significant current and emerging defense and security issues. Strategic Insights are peer-reviewed and research-based. The in-depth analyses, presented in a scholarly journal format, provide fellow researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field of international security with  targeted, relevant findings related to regional and global challenges facing our NATO, EU, and European security partners and beyond.