Primary Databases
EBSCO Discovery Service
A best bet, security focused academic database that combines scholarly journals with government documents, NGO policy papers, and a variety of “gray literature.” EBSCO indexes full-text articles, news feeds, reports, books and summaries covering warfare, terrorism, transnational crime, security, cybersecurity, and geopolitics. The database also indexes the physical collection and catalog of the Marshall Center Research Library.
ProQuest Central
A best bet multi-disciplinary database that combines several products – including the Fitch Solutions Country Reports, ABI/INFORM, and U.S. & International News – into one easy-to-search interface. Includes thousands of journals, newspapers, magazines, Masters theses, Doctoral dissertations, working papers, and other scholarly content on a broad range of topics and sources.
Additional Resources
Economist Intelligence Unit | Viewpoint
Provides global insights and market/business intelligence. Global, regional and country-level coverage and analysis of political and economic developments, economic trends forecast, and additional information to help understand country specific regulations, business practices, and security environment.
East View
Provides a broad range of authoritative content from Russia and former Soviet states including newspapers, eBooks, and journals.
Foreign Affairs
An American magazine of international relations and U.S. foreign policy published by the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization and think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs.
Homeland Security Digital Library
Includes documents and reports from federal, state, and local government agencies, international NGOs, research institutes, and think tanks. Full-text access to policy and strategy documents, special collections, featured security topics, as well as research tools.
Our eBook collection covers topics that are highly relevant to the Marshall Center’s program of courses and our mission. You can read most of the collection on a Kindle device, but all of the collection can be read on a browser or on a tablet or phone with the Libby app. Audiobooks are now included in this collection.