The Clock Tower Series

Pubs Clock Tower Security Series

The Clock Tower Series

The Clock Tower Series is a compendium of short summaries of seminars, conferences, workshops, and similar events hosted throughout the year by the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. The Clock Tower Series, reflecting the ever-present iconic clock tower on the Marshall Center campus, captures timely, overarching analytical outcomes from these regular events and serves as a useful tool for policymakers, practitioners, and academics.

Strategic Competition Seminar Series FY25
"The Province of all Mankind"? Space and Maritime Challenges in an Era of Strategic Disruption
Strategic Competition Seminar Series FY24
Regional Security Seminar: Turkish Foreign and Security Policy Under the New Government
Normative Strategic Competition in an Era of Choice
Balkans 360: A Regional Assessment
Strategic Competition Seminar Series FY23
Strategic Competition Seminar Series FY22
Russia Seminar Series
Political Regime Changes and Transnational Organized Crime
Deep Dive in the Black Sea: Turkey’s Role and Potential in the Region