SRS Director Gives SRS 15-05 Goals
SRS provides national security professionals with a comprehensive overview of root causes of local conflicts.
By German Luftwaffe Col. Jörg Kunze
Public Affairs Office
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (May 1, 2015) – German Luftwaffe Col. Jörg Kunze, executive director for the Seminar on Regional Security Studies at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, outlined SRS 15-05 course goals April 30 here.
A German initiative, SRS examines security dynamics and conflict resolution through a regional lens. This is the third SRS held at the Marshall Center, and in this iteration, there are 47 participants from 28 countries.
Kunze said these SRS goals are for participants to be enabled to address current and evolving regional security issues, implement state of the art analytical tools and policy oriented approaches, and develop capabilities for identifying successful patterns of conflict resolution.
By studying recent regional crises in the Western Balkans and South Caucasus Region, SRS provides national security professionals with a comprehensive overview of root causes of local conflicts, security dynamics and conflict resolution strategies within the European-Eurasian region as well as best practice examples.
Participants are coming from: Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Estonia; Georgia; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Kosovo; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Macedonia; Moldova; Montenegro; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Turkey; Ukraine; United States; and, Uzbekistan.
The Seminar on Regional Security 15-05 will end Thursday, May 21.
The mission of the Marshall Center, as a vital instrument of German-American cooperation, is to create a more stable security environment by advancing democratic institutions and relationships; promoting active, peaceful, whole-of-government approaches to address transnational and regional security challenges; and creating and enhancing enduring partnerships worldwide.
The Marshall Center offers eight resident programs that examine complex transnational, regional and international security issues: Program on Terrorism and Security Studies; Program on Applied Security Studies; Program on Security Sector Capacity Building; Seminar on Regional Security; Seminar on Transnational Civil Security; Countering Narcotics and Illicit Trafficking; Program on Cyber Security Studies; and, Senior Executive Seminar.