Sebastian von Münchow, Ph.D.

Sebastian von Münchow, Ph.D.
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Sebastian von Münchow, Ph.D.

Sebastian von Münchow, Ph.D.

Regional Security Studies

Areas of Expertise

  • Rule of Law, Good Governance, Public International Law, Constitutional Law
  • International Organizations, UN, EU, OSCE
  • Southeast European Security Issues
  • Great Power Competition and COVID-19

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., International Relations, University of Vienna
  • Master of Law, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein

Dr. Sebastian von Münchow joined the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in August 2012. He serves as the Course Director of the Seminar on EU and NATO Cooperation (SENC).

Prior to joining the Marshall Center, Dr. von Münchow worked for the field missions of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Kosovo where he led the legislative reform section. He has also served in the Police Assistance Mission of the European Union in Tirana. Later, in Brussels, he joined the Office of the Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe where he headed several initiatives to strengthen the home and justice sectors in the Balkans. After returning to Germany, Dr. von Münchow worked for several years in the Federal Chancellery in Berlin where he dealt with questions related to security issues, parliamentary oversight, and terrorism.

gcmcpublicaffairs [at]