College Courses
The Marshall Center’s College of International and Security Studies offers military and civilian officials resident courses that focus on democratic defense management and national, regional and international security.
The Marshall Center also partners with the Bundeswehr University in Munich for a 12-month Master in International Security Studies postgraduate degree. It is an international, policy-oriented program, designed especially for the requirements of military, diplomatic and other governmental institutions. The MISS aims at preparing future leaders for executive assignments in national and international military, diplomatic, governmental and private services, providing them with an extensive, practice-oriented knowledge of security studies, international law, strategic studies, terrorism, stability operations and civil security.
In addition to its resident programs, the College also hosts the Eurasian Foreign Area Officer Program, and the U.S. Senior and International Fellows Programs.
European Security Seminar-East and Seminar on Regional Security are taught simultaneously in English and Russian. All other courses are offered in English only.