PLTCE Language Standards and Assessment Seminar Readies International Instructors

PLTCE Language Standards and Assessment Seminar Readies International Instructors

PLTCE Language Standards and Assessment Seminar Readies International Instructors

By Christine June
Public Affairs Office
George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies

GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (April 28, 2016) -- The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies’ Partner Language Training Center, Europe completed a Language Standards and Assessment Seminar for nine international participants April 28.

The nine graduates came from eight NATO and partner countries:  Armenia, Croatia, France, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Lithuania, and Sweden.  The participants all employed as English instructors or language program administrators in Ministry of Defense or military-related language programs in their respective countries. 

One of the objectives of the seminar is to provide instructors with what they need to know about English language assessment tests so that they can design their lessons to the NATO language standards or STANAG 6001 levels.  This seminar contributes to a greater understanding about the STANAG 6001 Proficiency test and it gives teachers the skills to better prepare their students for success on the examination.

"I became more aware of the needs for teaching-testing coordination process during the course.  The Seminar provided me with a great amount of input that I am going to apply at my Language School,” said Beata Berska who teaches English proficiency in her native Poland. 

PLTCE works in close coordination the Bureau for International Language Coordination, the advisory body for language training and testing in NATO.   BILC's mission is to promote and foster interoperability among NATO and partner nations by furthering standardization of language training and testing policy. Because of a close working relationship, PLTCE is an officially-recognized NATO Partnership Training and Education Center that offers workshops and seminars for English teaching and testing professionals from NATO and partner nations.