Educators Support Defence Capacity Building for Partners
By NATO Public Affairs
VIENNA (July 2, 2015) - The Defense Education Enhancement Program connects senior educators from NATO nations with their counterparts from partner countries with the objective of enhancing educational curricula and learning methods.
Defense educators and NATO experts gathered from June 28 to 30 for the 4th Annual NATO Clearing House on Defense Education held here.
The Austrian National Defense Academy hosted an intensive three days of discussions on how to support NATO and partner countries in their efforts to build, modernize and reform institutions in the defense domain.
"While cooperative security depends on tactical and operational capacity, I know and you know that it also depends on intellectual interoperability -- what we learn and how we learn it -- and this is what DEEP builds,” said Eva Shinagel, Deputy Director, Defense Policy and Plans Division, Chief, Cooperative Security Policy, U.S. Mission to NATO.
The Clearing House brought together 58 participants from 23 countries and 42 institutions. The event coordinated support to existing programs and future projects in this area. Participants expressed their commitment to further the work in this domain.
The conference was organized in conjunction with the 17th Annual Conference of the Partnership for Peace Consortium and the 44th Conference of Commandants of the NATO Defense College.