Ralf Roloff, Ph.D., habil.
Areas of Expertise
- International Security
- International Political Economy
- European Security Policy
- Transatlantic Relations
- German Policy and Security Policy
Academic Degrees
- Dr. habil., Habilitation; granted by the Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Bundeswehr University
- Dr. habil., Habilitation; granted by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
- Dr. phil., Political Science, University of Trier
- M.A., Political Science and German Studies, University of Trier
- Robert-Schuman-Fellow, European Parliament (Luxembourg, Strasbourg, and Brussels)
- Fulbright Scholarship, New York University
Prof. Dr. Ralf Roloff has been the Deputy Dean for Academics at the George C. Marshall CenterĀ“s College of International and Security Studies (CISS) since 2018 and Associate Professor at the Bundeswehr University Munich since 2015. He has also been the Director of the Master in International Security Studies Program (MISS) since 2010. From 2003 to 2018 he was Senior German Professor at the CISS and from 2015 to 2018 he served as Course Director of the European Security Seminar.
Prof. Dr. Roloff served as an Associate Professor for the Bundeswehr University Munich from 2011 to 2015. He held the position of Acting Professor of International and European Politics at the Bundeswehr University Hamburg from 2000- 2003 and was Acting Professor of International Relations, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz from 1999 to 2000. From 1994 to 2001, Prof. Dr. Roloff was an Assistant Professor and Executive Officer at the Research Institute for Political Science and European Affairs at the University of Cologne. Previously, he was a Lecturer and Assistant to the Director of the Department of Political Science, University of Trier.
Prof. Dr. Roloff has published extensively in German, English, and French on international relations, international security, international political economics, EU integration, and EU foreign and security policy.