Ukraine Roundtable: A Discussion with Marshall Center Fellows
Ukraine Roundtable: A Discussion with Marshall Center Fellows
The Fellows Program at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies hosted a Ukraine Roundtable with LTG (ret) Keith Dayton, Marshall Center Director and Senior U.S. Defense Advisor to Ukraine as well as faculty experts to discuss current developments in Ukraine.
LTG (ret) Dayton provided an overview of defense reform in Ukraine since the Euromaidan Revolution and was followed by other members of the Marshall Center faculty including Dr. Valbona Zeneli who discussed the economic situation in Ukraine, CDR Eric Ager discussing possible shifts in U.S. Ukraine policy, LtCol Claus Schmitt who provided the German perspective on Ukraine, and Dr. Graeme Herd who outlined Russia’s actions and intentions in Ukraine.
The U.S. Senior Fellows Program at the Marshall Center provides a regionally focused, professional education experience at the senior service school level for U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force officers of the rank of Major to Colonel. Fellows are selected by their respective services for the eleven-month program, during which they participate in a variety of Marshall Center resident courses and conferences and, also conduct research on a security affairs topic under the mentorship of a faculty member. Through their coursework, research, writing, and interaction with other participants in resident programs, Fellows enhance their general understanding of international and security affairs, while developing specialist knowledge of European and Eurasian security issues.
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