Marshall Center Voices Featuring Ambassador Yuri Kim, U.S. Embassy Tirana
Marshall Center Voices Featuring Ambassador Yuri Kim, U.S. Embassy Tirana
The Marshall Center Voices is a unique virtual forum where we invite Marshall Center alumni and special friends to share their insights and knowledge on important security issues.
In this episode, Chair of Marshall Center’s Strategic Initiatives Dr. Valbona Zeneli speaks to Ambassador Yuri Kim, the United States Ambassador to the Republic Albania. The conversation focused on diplomacy; importance of removing barriers to full participation of women in Peace, Security, and Prosperity; interdependence of democracy, rule of law, defense, and economy.
Ambassador Yuri Kim is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service. Earlier she served as the Director of the State Department's Center for the Study of Diplomacy, Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary of State, and Director of the Office of European Security and Political-Military Affairs. Kim served as the Director of the Office of Southern European Affairs in the State Department's Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs from 2018-19. Earlier in her career, Kim served as Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and was a member of the American delegation to the Six-Party Talks focused on ending North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. She was also a Special Assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell.
This interview reflects the views of the contributors and are not necessarily the official policy of the U.S. Department of Defense or its components, United States, Germany, or any other governments.
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