Language Standards and Assessment Seminar (LSAS) ACT.648
Language Standards and Assessment Seminar (LSAS) ACT.648
The Language Standards and Assessment Seminar (LSAS) is an assessment literacy course covering classroom testing and familiarization with NATO STANAG 6001 standards. This course is for teachers and language course managers. It is held once a year at the Partner Language Training Center Europe in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Event Details
Artillery Kaserne
Breitenauer Strasse 16
Building 250
Garmisch-Partenkirchen 82467, Germany
12 weeks before the start of each course, invitations are issued to national BILC Points of Contact. Applications from qualified candidates are due to PLTCE no later than six weeks before the course starts; actual deadlines are stated in each invitation. Partner nations using e-Prime or with MPD-funded seats must still apply in accordance with invitation instructions and within the prescribed time frame.