Michael W. Campbell, Ph.D.

Michael Campbell
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Michael W. Campbell, Ph.D.

Language Project Officer
Partner Language Training Center Europe

Michael W. Campbell is an EFL/ Language Project Officer at Partner Language Training Center Europe(PLTCE). Dr. Campbell will focus on enhancing the advanced language instruction and assessment capabilities at PLTCE. Prior to his position with the Marshall Center, Dr. Campbell was a Supervisor for Advanced English at the Defense Language Institute English Language Center(DLIELC) at Lackland AFB, Texas. Dr. Campbellā€™s duties included supervising ESL instructors, assessing the language needs of international and US students, and managing all student academic needs while in English Language Training (ELT). In addition, Dr. Campbell was responsible for evaluating instructor performance and instructor development.

During his 20 years in the field, Dr. Campbell has taught Academic ESL at community colleges, freshman composition at Trinity University, Texas, and a number of graduate TESL courses at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He also spent six months in Iraq in 2009 teaching English to Iraqi Special Forces for DLIELC with short stints in Jordan and Angola providing instructor development to military and civilian instructors at their respective Defense Language Institutes.

Dr. Campbell holds a PhD in Culture, Literacy, and Language from the University of Texas at San Antonio as well as an MA in TESL and a BA in Spanish, also from UTSA.

pltce.programs [at] marshallcenter.org